
乐队 维古拉

霍塔、凡丹戈与塞基蒂亚 (jota, fandango, seguidilla)*是她的灵魂;音、形与体是她的血肉。








“德高望重的一群西班牙人民。”“快板、勺子、厨房器皿、铃铛等等,在维古拉的手中摇身变成美妙的乐曲。”“精美绝伦。”“一种乡村的、浓重的与美妙的声音。”以上是(Charlie Gillet)在BBC-广播3频道,对世界音乐、艺术与舞蹈音乐节World Of Music, Art& Dance, 简称WOMAD)英国站,关于维古拉乐队表演的评论。

“奇妙的音乐。充满创意、乐观与愉悦。”美国斯密森尼民俗音乐(Smithsonian Folkways)录音工作室负责人丹尼尔 · 谢伊(Daniel Sheehy)点评道。

我不得不说,终于有幸现场聆听到维古拉!!!哇哦,我太喜欢了……太不可思议了……真的。”匈牙利文物馆文化经理苏珊娜 · 克棱伊(Zsuzsanna Kerényi)感叹道。

“维古拉乐队的表演是如此真实和真诚,打破了语言上或文化上的障碍 …… 音乐人们就像魔术师一样,从帽子里拿出乐器。而我们,则像孩童一般,兴奋地观看着台上发生的一切。 Etnoumlje 杂志的伊万娜 · 陆彬科维(Ivana Ljubinković)说道。

“强有力的声音穿透我的思维,撞击我的心扉。一件不可或缺的事情正在发生:一个来自西班牙中部的音乐讯息,一个与众不同又属于大众的音乐。”波兰的雅努斯 · 普鲁西诺夫斯基(Janusz Prusinowski),华沙玛祖卡(Mazurcas)音乐节艺术家及总策划人评价道。

“感谢你们为文化传播做出的巨大努力。”2016古典广播西班牙国家广告电台 “重回乡间” 音乐栏目(La Riproposta)制作人尤兰达 · 克利阿朵(Yolanda Criado)发声。

“弗拉明戈音乐在经历多年的融合和交错之后,也许西班牙急需某种根本上纯粹的,真诚的音乐。”…… “维古拉乐队毫无疑问得到了认可. 20177Songlines音乐杂志的克里斯 · 莫斯(Chris Moss)说道。



然而,维古拉的音乐一直以来就与众不同。为何如此?也许胡安 · 安东尼奥 · 托勒斯 (Juan Antonio Torres)在唱片 << 时空共鸣>> (原名:A Tiempo Real) 简介册中提到的轶事能告诉我们为什么。

“我二十来岁那年,我去看望住在梅纳萨尔瓦斯镇   Menasalbas,位于托莱多市Toledo)的恰塔阿姨,一位伟大的霍塔歌唱家。我带着我的吉他去给她伴奏。到了之后,我开始弹,但是她却迟迟不开口唱……几次弹奏之后她对我说:‘帅哥,你并不知道如何弹奏霍塔曲子。你等你叔下班回来,他会。’我就在那儿等着。






国际知名音乐节,如世界音乐、艺术与舞蹈音乐节(World Of Music, Art& Dance, 简称WOMAD)英国站,挪威的弗勒镇(Forde),德国Klangkosmos音乐盛会的 12场演出。2019年期间在西班牙、波兰(5月到7月)、德国、斯洛伐尼亚(封面照片,摄于布莱德市OKARINA音乐节)、葡萄牙、塞尔维亚、乌兹别克斯坦演出。维古拉乐队也在塞浦路斯、瑞士、瑞典、哥伦比亚等等地方留下足迹。


维古拉乐队的最后两张唱片(一共发行过8张唱片)是由英国ARC Music公司录制并在国际市场推广。该公司致力于世界民族音乐41年。2019年的<<时空共鸣>> (原名:A Tiempo Real在跨国世界音乐排行榜(Transglobal World Music Chart)名列第一。



  • 青少年、成年人传统舞舞蹈班。
  • 西班牙音乐、舞蹈、乐器少儿班(暂时只面向少儿)。维古拉在西班牙、葡萄牙、英国、波兰、匈牙利、德国和瑞典都曾开办过课程。







  • 课堂上使用多种多样但十分简单的器具,如:摇鼓、捣碎器、剪刀、平底锅、拐杖……甚至石头!可以用任何能发出声响的物件来演奏传统音乐,给歌唱伴奏。孩子们在课上都能练习弹奏某种乐器。而且有些乐器非常稀奇,比如桑梆巴鼓(如上图)。它的声音深远、非凡,所有小朋友都争相击打让它发出声响。
  • 传统的游戏也十分容易进行,因为只需要大家的参与和几把椅子。大家围成圈,人与人之间通过音乐进行循环渐进的交流。



















About us

In few words

Vigüela take their tradition with accuracy and show it is a living music, full of joy, and showing it doesn´t need to be denatured to divulge it. They have been working for 30 years to keep alive this style from their land, Castilla-La Mancha, the South part of the Iberian plateau, at the heart of Spain, main landscape for the iconic Don Quixote de La Mancha, the novel by Miguel de Cervantes.

In April 2016 their album Temperamento was released by the British label ARC Music. This year they are having a tight calendar, with concerts in Spain, Norway, Hungary, Sweden and Germany (tour with 12 concerts and 4 workshops).

“We work with old songs that have been part of our days, our duties, our life. They talk about what we are, because we are inside them and everything around us. We perform them in our style, our way that we have inherited for been from our village, El Carpio de Tajo, where people sings very gracefully”.  

Nevertheless, in 2014 Vigüela start a work of rigorous review of their own approach to the performance of traditional music, taking a further step on the recovery of an archaic musical language, that has been kept alive right up to present days, usually in contexts alien to the circuit of professional music and that, most of the time, has been scorned and undervalued, in opposition to seemingly more modern proposals, that frequently simplify, diminish and standardize the musical expression of the people, silencing the characteristics that make it truly special and enriches it.


Vigüela take their tradition with accuracy and show it is a living music, full of joy, and showing it doesn´t need to be denatured to divulge it. They have been working for 30 years to keep alive this repertoire and style from their land, Castilla La Mancha. They have played all over Spain and also in Great Britain, invited by the BBC, and in Portugal, representing Spain at the Festival Bons Sons 2012, as well as in world music stages in Europe, like Førdefestivalen (Norway), Urkult Festival (Sweden), Fonó and Babel Sound Music Meeting (Hungary), the tour Klangkosmos (12 concerts in Germany) and for 2017 they have already confirmed gigs in Germany and Switzerland.

Juan Antonio Torres and his sister Carmen are involved in music since they were born under the wing of a family of musicians. Their father was professional drummer and Juan Antonio continued this legacy. He started as a drummer, performing with orchestras in the popular festivities. He learnt to play guitar and traditional instruments by himself, after falling in love with traditional music through the influence of their two grandmothers, that sang very well, even when they didn´t make it as their profession. Because of this love, when he was 20 years old, in 1986 Juan Antonio founds Vigüela with his sister Carmen, who was 23 and who is still part of the group, and some other young people from their village, El Carpio de Tajo.

Mari Nieto, one of the biggest singers in their region, joins them some years ago, after long years of activity in music, surrounded by old people, from who she learnt as in oral tradition. In suitable stages Araceli Tzigane joins the band for dancing and presenting (in English). Luis García Valera, active teacher and musician, director of the itinerary school of traditional music Entresierras, is the last signing.

Juan Antonio has worked also as artistic director with women choirs and children choirs, always focused on traditional repertoire, traditional styles, romancero (collections of narrative songs) and sacred music. Nowadays he teaches traditional styles (jota, fandango, seguidilla, son…) in his native village, and has extensively made field work, in example in the project of recreation of the historic trip that Alan Lomax made in the region of Castilla-La Mancha in 1952, searching for the still alive performers that were recorded by the American ethnomusicologist.

Therefore, Vigüela’s work is essential for the traditional music from their land. They are also very good performers that sing exquisitely the very melismatic repertoire, fruit of the melting pot that have been the Iberian peninsule.

Workshops available

Vigüela offers also a workshop of dance on traditional styles and/or of creation of lyrics on the usual meter of traditional styles.

Loose dance (without touching the other)

The jota, the seguidilla and the fandango are three of the main musical styles with associated dance from the center of Iberian Peninsula that have extended practically throughout all of it and also overseas, to the old Spanish colonies. The dance of these three styles is thrilling, communicative and aesthetically delightful.  The loose dance, where you don´t touch your partner, is made in pairs (man-woman, woman-woman), and the dancers communicate with their bodies the emphasis and the emotion that the musicians and singers convey. They don´t touch each other but there they exists invisible ties for connection and communication, to say each other beautiful things with the gestures and movements of their bodies. The basics are quite easy and it can become more challenging and sophisticated according to the experience and skills of the dancers. To learn the basics of these dances means to practice the listening and the interpersonal communication, key aspects of an art form that reveals the nuances and the unpredictability of human emotions.

Creation of lyrics (Spanish language)

Addressed to Spanish speaking participants and/or students of Spanish language.

In this traditional music, the aforementioned styles of jota, seguidilla and fandango, as well as son (a not danced style), are performed on a succession of stanzas, recalled, adapted or even improvised by the artists, on a given meter and on an unpredictable sequence. This way, the lyrics can be made in the moment and used to communicate current events, to send poetic messages to specific participant/s, to launch defiances…

In this workshop, in two groups, each of them with members of Vigüela to support them, create some stanzas on the given meter for been sang. The main topic will be a defiance against the other group, always on funny mood. After that, the band will play and teach an easy melody, and the participants will distribute the stanzas they’ve created and they will sing them to the other group.

Combined workshops, with a part of creation of lyrics and a part of dance can also be provided.