MBS with a piyyut sang by Yemenites in 1957 in Israel, recorded by a Bengali ethnomusicologist: Deben Battacharya

12 June 2020 – Shabbat is almost here

And in this occasion we will enjoy a mesmerizing old recording of a Yedid Nafshi, dating from 1957, from the recordings made in Israel by the Bengali ethnomusicologist Deben Battacharya.

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In the last edition we payed attention to a contemporary artist, David Krakauer, and we talked about current events. But I can’t hide my addiction to the old music. That’s why I feel so thankful to people like Deben Battacharya. In 1957, he spent 2 months in Israel, recording the different people that gathered there from so many origins. In Yish’i, between Jerusalem and Ashdod, he meet the Yemenite community.

The recordings by Deben Battacharya in Israel 1957

This portrait of Deben is from the booklet of a collection of 4 albums with those recordings, that was released by Westminster in 1959 under the name of “In Israel Today“. This recording of Yedid Nafshi is also included in a much newer and easier to find compilation, released in 2014 by ARC Music (whose work of re-editing and disseminating Battacharya’s work is also outstanding), under the name of Music of the Oriental Jews from North Africa, Yemen & Bukhara. You can find more info about this compilation, here. It contains more outstanding beauties so I might come back to this album in the future.

In website The World Jukebox, you can also find information about the different albums released with those recordings as well as a brief information about Deben and his trip to Israel. And if you want to know more about Deben Battacharya, there is a large interview made by his friend Kevin Daly, here.

The recording of Yedid Nafshi is accredited to Nissim Matari (even though you’ll hear two different singers) of whom there are no references apart of this recording. But the booklet of the edition of 1959 explains that Yish’i “was founded in 1950 to house some of the Yemenites who had arrived to Israel during one of the largests airlifts in the world, known in Israel as “magic carpet”“. Deben met the settlers at the end of their day’s work. Then they moved to the village hall, where all the inhabitants, of all ages, men and women, gathered. Deben would edit 6 pieces in the collection of 4 albums, with the recordings of that evening. Let’s enjoy the result.

Clic the picture to listen Yedid Nafshi by Nissim Matari:

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Shabbat Shalom.

Araceli Tzigane | Mapamundi Música

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