“Araceli Tzigane belongs to my three best musical managers/agents from several hundreds who I met within last 10 years in my work of festival’s dramaturgy. She is very willingness and sensible, and mainly professional and reliable!” Michal Schmidt, artistic director of Folk Holidays festival, Czeck Republic.


I am Araceli Tzigane, director of Mapamundi Música, the trade mark of Mapamundi Cultural SL, dedicated to management and booking of artists of music with roots on the traditions of the people. If you want to know more about us, check the clients that have already trusted us or let me explain you a little bit of our history. And if you want to know more about me, click here.

What do we do for you

  • For programmers and artistic directors

For programmers and artistic directors we offer these. For artists, check below.

  • We offer you outstanding artists for your program or festival. We only work with artists that are able to move and communicate something special to your public, that create memorable moments (quite often our clients tell us they have been congratulated after having made a concert with our artists) and that are also trustable professionals as well as kind and open persons.
  • We answer fast and right to your administrative needs. We are used to deal with digital administration and invoicing systems that are been implemented nowadays in public and private organizations. We can adapt ourselves to your sistem and we won´t cause you any uncertainty about if we’ll sign a contract on time or if we’ll be able to provide you that other document you need.
  • We have much experience in communication so you can rely on that we’ll provide you well written and attractive texts, of the size you need, as well as pictures, links…
  • We round out your program with more activities added up to the concert, like workshops or lectures. If you have any idea, feel free to tell us. We have even made cooking shows with our musicians!

These are just some insights of what we can do for you. Ask us if you have any requirement.

Who has trusted us


Many clients has booked our artists and services in many countries. Just to name a few:

Spain – FEX – Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada

Great Britain – WOMAD UK

AlemaniaTFF Rudolstadt

Norway – Førdefestivalen


SpainPirineos Sur

IndiaSufi Sutra Festival (actualmente llamado Sur Jahan)

PortugalFMM Sines

Poland – EtnoKraków

Czeck Republic – Folk Holidays

SwitzerlandMediterranian Music Festival

France – Convivencia Festival


Algeria – Festival International du Malouf

  • For artists, promoters, managers

You can take advantage of Araceli Tzigane’s experience in communication, media, management, that is usually shown in international meetings, festivals and trainings. Araceli is used to receive and evaluate the requests of management of artists from all over the world, everyday. Some of the mistakes are quite common. How to approach a professional, to produce the best impression and to maximise the chances to get you the attention of that person? Request consultancy with Araceli:

Our background

On day 27th of December of 2007 it took place the first concert by an artist booked throught our first rooster.

This initiative arised after the requests from some clients that asked us for proposals and programs, as they knew our activity with the radio show Mapamundi (called Mundofonías since 2009).

We started just before the finantial crisis so we have had to test our endurance and commitment. And here we are!

As well as working with Iberian artists, Mapamundi Música colaborates with artists from other places. Along these years we have brought to Spain for the first time artists like Mad Sheer Khan (Algeria, France), Tao Ravao & Vincent Bucher (Madagascar, France), Ellika, Solo & Rafael (Sweden, Senegal, Mexico), Özlem Bulut (Turkey), Janusz Prusinowski Kompania (Poland), Gulaza (Israel) or Monsieur Doumani (Cyprus). We have developed festivals and series (like Escalamundos, Jewish Music and Culture Festival in Alcorcón, Dances of the World in Alcorcón…) and designed and/or produced new concerts, like Jako el Muzikante, Chopin’s music and village roots, or À Porta do Cante.

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